New episodes of Strawberry Shortcake - Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures ' - are on Croatian market. Find your DVD and enjoy in the new adventures of the popular character.
From the last published news to this date, we dubbed several hundred movies, series and animated movies. More details can be found in the chapter 'Audio/Video'
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1.7.2011. we started with the biggest synchronization project in Croatia.
Our mission: increase the capacity to 5 audio studios, to synchronize over 700 episodes, and for the first time in Croatia, produce serious synchronized program of motion pictures - shows and films, and syncronized animated films - musicals. For every major role we made voice tests with three actors per role and localization of announced program on monthly basis.
Deadline - 6 months.
Client - one of the three biggest children channels - Nickelodeon.
31.12.2011. Mission accomplished!
27.11.1988. private IT company, without formal and legal name (nonexistent option in the legal system at that time), was formed and placed in the same tax category as a butchery. 23 years and many legislative improvements later, our story still goes on, and we hope that it will continue for a long, long time.
Hercul Poirot and Miss Marple aren't the only characters created by Agatha Christie whose adventures are followed by millions of readers. Based on ten short stories written by Agatha Christie, without this two, this superb British crime series is created. All ten episodes are released on 5 DVD-s.
Svi ste čuli za legendarnu BBCevu dokumentarnu seriju 'Šetnja s dinosaurima'. Produkcijska ekipa odgovorna za nastanak te kultne serije proizvela je novu, još zahtjevniju seriju koja donosi apsolutno zapanjujuću kombinaciju najsuvremenije računalne animacije i igranih dijelova. Svih 6 epizoda ove serije možete pronaći na tri DVDa u redovnoj distribuciji.
Svima dobro znani lik dobrog duha Caspera ponovo stiže na male ekrane u osvježenoj, 3D računalnoj animaciji. U ovoj ćete seriji vidjeti svakodnevne zabavne dogodovštine kroz koje Casper prolazi u društvu svojih prijatelja u sasvim jedinstvenoj školi straha. Serija se nalazi u redovnoj DVD distribuciji na 4 DVDa.
U distribuciji je animirana serija Vragolasti Denis koja dolazi na 4 dvd-a sa ukupno 26 epizoda.
Počeli smo sa distribucijom DVD naslova Wolverine i X-Men. Vrhunska animirana serija u produkciji je Marvela i prati avanture Wolverinea, najpopularnijeg X-Mena.
Vodeni park 'Ribica' iz Viteza (Bosna i Hercegovina) postao je korisnik našeg paketa poslovnih računalnih programa 'NET eOne'.
Cijenjeni korisnik Galileo postao je korisnik našeg paketa poslovnih računalnih programa 'NET eOne'.