In the past several years our studio produced numerous cartoons, from animated TV series to feature length cartoons. Our crew of established actors and singers, together with our editors and sound engineers will entertain children and guide them through adventures of hundreds of animated characters. From mega popular Asterix & Obelix, Lucky Luke, Dora, Sponge Bob, Kung Fu Panda, Penguins Of Madagaskar, Winx, Pop Pixie, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Franklin, through beautiful fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen, to modern cartoon heroes such as Hulk, Wolverine, X men, Speed Racers, Twisted Whiskers, School For Vampires, Kenny The Shark and others.
Becca and her gang live in a lively forest community where something interesting always happens. Pedro, Russel and Sylvia are her bunch and with their help, Becca takes on the role of mayor, starts a bend and spends each day going through new adventures.
This Nick JR animated series has been dubbed in our studio since 2018. Interesting games and activities with Becca and her bunch await at